Technique du coup d'État (English Version)

Auteurs(s):Curzio Malaparte
Editeur:Morris Productions Aurora, Il
Taille:516 kB

Description: This is a great book from someone who's been inside of coups and other forms of political engineering. The book goes from Napoleon's coup to how others used his (and others such as various Romans) actions as an example. This leads to the beginning of the modern coup with the Russians as envisioned by Lenin and Trotsky. This book is definitely one of the best books written on the subject and is quoted in many other works such as Edward Luttwak's "Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook". Also, if you interested in the fine points and historical matters of the Russian Revolution from the inside it is also quite informative in such matters.

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Mots-Clés:Technique du coup d'Etat (English Version)

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