Smart Thinking: Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing

Author(s):Matthew Allen
Collection:2nd collection
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Pages:207 pages
Size:3.6 MB

[tab] [content title="Description"]Smart Thinking: Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing 2E is a practical step-by-step guide to improving skills in analysis, critical thinking, and the effective communication of arguments and explanations. The book combines an accessible and straightforward style, with a strong foundation of knowledge. The text treats reasoning as an aspect of communication, not an abstract exercise in logic. The book not only provides detailed advice on how to practise analytical skills, but also demonstrates how these skills can be used in research and writing. In particular, it emphasises how to develop arguments that are coherent and that take account of their audience and context. [/content] [content title="Content"] Smart Thinking: Skills for Critical Understanding and Writing [/content] [content title="About the author"]Matthew Allen is a graduate of The Neighborhood Playhouse in New York. He has worked extensively in the theater, TV and film as an actor, director and teacher in New York, San Francisco, London and Stockholm where he has resided since 1991. There he co-founded and served as the artistic director for a professional training program for actors. [/content] [/tab]

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