Over the Top

 Over the Top
Author(s): Ziglar Zig
Publisher: Harpercollins Leadership Nelson
Year: 1997
Language: English
Pages: 315 pages
Size: 1.23 MB
Extension: EPUB

[tab] [content title="Description"]Drawing on his forty plus years as a world-class motivated speaker, Ziglar shows precisely how to achieve what people desire most from life—to be happy, healthy, reasonably prosperous and secure, and to have friends, peace of mind, good family relationships and hope. Over The Top reveals a new aspect of Zig Ziglar. Fresh stories, analogies and examples are punctuated by Zig's insightful maturity. He handles complicated, sensitive topics comfortably and compassionately, often by sharing how he "personally" dealt with the same issues himself. Never before have Zig's thoughts unfolded with such stunning clarity and logic. Readers, past and future, will be inspired. The depth and breadth of the eight things people want most in life (to be happy, healthy, reasonably prosperous, secure, have friends, peace of mind, good family relationships and hope) is completely and beautifully covered. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="About the author"] Best selling author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar presents inspiring advice on how to move from survival to stability, from stability to success, and from success to significance.[/content] [/tab]

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