Who Rules the Waves : Piracy, Overfishing and Mining the Ocean

 Who Rules the Waves : Piracy, Overfishing and Mining the Ocean
Author(s): Denise Russell
Year: 2010
Language: English
Pages: 206 pages
Size: 3.76 MB
Extension: PDF

[tab] [content title="Description"]With piracy raging in the Indian Ocean, international disputes over undersea oil and gas, and chronic overfishing, the oceans have rarely been subject to such varied and environmentally damaging conflict outside a world war. In Who Rules the Waves? Denise Russell gives us a rare insight into these issues and how they could be resolved.International law states that a coastal country has territorial rights for 12 miles into the sea beyond its coastline, and economic rights for 200 miles, but in practice many countries have virtually no control over their own waters, and there is no international agency powerful enough to settle disputes. Russell provides a thorough examination of the politics of the sea, showing that without a radical change in ocean governance, accelerating climate change and overuse of the sea's resources is likely to have catastrophic effects. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="About the author"]Denise Russell is a French palaeontologist who specialises in mammals from the Mesozoic, particularly from France and the UK. She is currently based at the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle.[/content] [/tab]

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