Applied Probability and Statistics

Applied Probability and Statistics
Author(s):Mario Lefebvre
Pages:363 pages
Size: 2.76 MB

[tab] [content title="Description"]This text is designed for a one-semester course on Probability and Statistics. The exposition unfolds systematically from an introductory chapter to such topics as random variables and vectors, stochastic processes, estimation, testing and regression. The topics are well chosen and the presentation is enriched by many examples from real life. Following every chapter, the reader will find many original, solved and unsolved problems and hundreds of multiple choice questions, enabling those unfamiliar with the topics to master them. Additionally appealing are the interesting historical notes on the mathematicians mentioned throughout and a useful bibliography. A distinguishing character of the book is the thorough and succinct handling of the various topics. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="About the author"]Mario Lefebvre is a professor of mathematics and industrial engineering who frequently writes on topics such as stochastic processes and applied probability. In Applied Probability and Statistics, Lefebvre presents a comprehensive overview of the titular subjects suitable for advanced undergraduate students and readers in technical fields such as engineering, applied mathematics, and computer science. [/content] [/tab]

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