Guide to Trance-Formation : How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change

Guide to Trance-Formation : How to Harness the Power of Hypnosis to Ignite Effortless and Lasting Change
Author(s): Richard Bandler
Publisher: HCI
Year: 2008
Language: English
Pages: 360 pages
Size: 4.16 MB
Extension: EPUB

[tab] [content title="Description"]More than thirty years ago, Richard Bandler set out to discover how some therapists effected startling change with their clients, while others argued about theories while their patients waited in vain for help. Now widely regarded as the world's greatest hypnotist and one of the most brilliant minds in the field of personal change, Richard Bandler created patterns that became the bedrock of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), arguably one of the most profoundly effective approaches for self-improvement. In Richard Bandler's Guide to Trance-formation, he returns to his roots: hypnotic phenomena, trancework, and altered states to provide a highly compelling and effective prescription for quick and lasting personal change. According to Bandler, "trance" is at the very foundation of human experience. People are not simply in or out of trance, but are constantly moving from one trance to another. We have our work trances, our relationship trances, and our parenting trances. Some of these states are useful and appropriate; others are not. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="About the author"]Bandler was born in Teaneck, New Jersey and attended high school in Sunnyvale, California.[2]: 24  He has stated that he was beaten as a child so badly that every bone in his body was broken. After his parents separated, he moved with his mother and stayed mostly in and around San Francisco.[3][verification needed] Bandler obtained a BA degree in philosophy and psychology from the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) in 1973, and an MA degree in psychology from Lone Mountain College in San Francisco in 1975 [/content] [/tab]

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