Lipodomics and Bioactive Lipids : Lipids and Cell Signaling

 Lipodomics and Bioactive Lipids : Lipids and Cell Signaling
Author(s): H. Alex Brown
Collection: Methods in Enzymology 434
Publisher: Elsevier, Academic Press
Year: 2007
Language: English
Pages: 392 pages
Size: 3.54 MB
Extension: PDF

[tab] [content title="Description"]This volume in the well-established Methods in Enzymology series features methods for the study of lipids using mass spectrometry techniques. Articles in this volume cover topics such as Phospholipase A1 assays using a radio-labeled substrate and mass spectrometry; Real-time Cell Assays of Phospholipases A2 Using Fluorogenic Phospholipids; Analysis and Pharmacological Targeting of Phospholipase C ?? interactions with G proteins; Biochemical Analysis of Phospholipase D.; Measurement of Autotaxin/Lysophospholipase D Activity; Platelet-Activating Factor; Quantitative measurement of PtdIns(3,4,5)P3; Measuring Phosphorylated Akt And Other Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase-Regulated Phosphoproteins In Primary Lymphocytes; Regulation of Phosphatidylinositol 4-Phosphate 5-Kinase activity by partner proteins; Biochemical Analysis of Inositol Phosphate Kinases; Analysis of the phosphoinositides and their aqueous metabolites; Combination of C17-sphingoid base homologues and mass spectrometry analysis as a new approach to study sphingolipid metabolism; Measurement of mammalian sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphohydrolase activity in vitro and in vivo; A rapid and sensitive method to measure secretion of sphingosine-1-phosphate; Ceramide Kinase and Ceramide-1-Phosphate; Measurement of Mammalian Diacylglycerol Kinase Activity in vitro and in Cells; Lipid Phosphate Phosphatases from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="About the author"]The scientific community suffered a great loss on July 25, when H. Alex Brown passed away at the age of 56 after a long battle with an aggressive cancer. True to everything that Alex was, he retained his focus on science, his love and pride in his family, and an incredibly positive outlook throughout his treatment. [/content] [/tab]

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