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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est PHYSIQUE. Afficher tous les articles

Chimie Terminales C et E - Collection eurin-gié (Version préliminaire)

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Chimie Terminales C et E - Collection eurin-gié (Version préliminaire)

Incertitudes et analyse des erreurs dans les mesures physiques - avec exercices corrigés

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Incertitudes et analyse des erreurs dans les mesures physiques - avec exercices corrigés

Precisely predictable Dirac observables

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Precisely predictable Dirac observables

From the Sun to the Great Attractor : 1999 Guanajuato Lectures on Astrophysics

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From the Sun to the Great Attractor : 1999 Guanajuato Lectures on Astrophysics

Environmental Biotechnology Principles and Applications

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Environmental Biotechnology Principles and Applications

Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics : The Art of Analyzing and Modeling Spatial Structures

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Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics : The Art of Analyzing and Modeling Spatial Structures

Applied Semi-Markov Processes

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Applied Semi-Markov Processes

Finite Element Analysis Of Acoustic Scattering

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Finite Element Analysis Of Acoustic Scattering

An Example of Torsional Viscous Retrogression

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An Example of Torsional Viscous Retrogression

An Electrodynamometer Using the Vibration Telescope

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An Electrodynamometer Using the Vibration Telescope

Channeled Grating Spectra, Obtained in Successive Diffractions

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Channeled Grating Spectra, Obtained in Successive Diffractions

Interference of Pencils Which Constitute the Remote Divergences from a Slit

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Interference of Pencils Which Constitute the Remote Divergences from a Slit

Structural Vibration and Damage

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Structural Vibration and Damage

Engineering Acoustics

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Engineering Acoustics

Modern acoustical techniques for the measurement of mechanical properties

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Modern acoustical techniques for the measurement of mechanical properties

Wave Propagation and Underwater Acoustics

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Wave Propagation and Underwater Acoustics

Non-Homogeneous Media and Vibration Theory

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Non-Homogeneous Media and Vibration Theory

Physical Acoustics : Principles and Methods, Vol. 17

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Physical Acoustics : Principles and Methods, Vol. 17

Notes on Acoustics

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Notes on Acoustics

Inverse Problems in Vibration

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Inverse Problems in Vibration


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